<aside> 📌 c u r r e n t v e r s i o n : v 0 4


<aside> 💬 s t a t u s : h i a t u s


<aside> 📩 c o n t a c t : M i i m z y u


<aside> 💃 d o w n l o a d : G u m r o a d


<aside> 📑 i n d e x


  1. Setup
  2. Overview
  3. How to Use
  4. Tips and Notes
  5. Helpful Plug Ins
  6. Miscellaneous

<aside> 🗒️ s e t u p


Typo Control includes 3 Presets: TypoControl_Master, TypoControl_2DChild, TypoControl_3DChild.

Make sure these are in your After Effects' Preset folder. You may make a separate folder there or just put them in the **User ****folder.

Your folder path may look like this: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 20XX\Support Files\Presets\User but will depend on where you installed After Effects.

<aside> 🗒️ o v e r v i e w



<aside> 🗒️ m a s t e r


By default this is how the master preset looks like. It includes most of the options and controls your motion.

Time From InPoint:

Unchecked: the motion will follow the timing of the master layer

Checked: Will start the motion according to the child layers inPoint. Meaning you can time all layers how you wish. Note that it will start adapt the master layers motion from the master's inpoint, meaning any motion before the inpoint will not be displayed.

Use Parent As Master:

By default the children will search for a layer called TC as master layer. To override that you may use this option to make the parent layer the master.

May cause problem when children need to follow a null (or other motion) as well.

May cause bugs as this was not tested properly.




<aside> 🗒️ m a s t e r v a l u e s


Most values work functionally the same, we will take a look at them with the X Position as example.

X Position: Slider for the motion input. Use this to keyframe your motion! It will add the master motion to your already keyframed/placed layer. Meaning you can still keyframe the children's values as per usual.

Invert X Position: By default all layers will follow the master motion as it is. If checked will enable the option to invert the motion as well as individual control over the children. Options are explained in the following.

X Position Options:

Number of Not Inverted: Sets the number of layers that are intended to follow the original master motion.

Number of Inverted: Sets the number of layers that are intended to use the inverted version of the original master motion.

Change Phase: Changes the phase, meaning you may change at which layer the inversion starts.

Extra notes:

Invert All:

If Number of Not Inverted and Number of Inverted are both 0, and Invert X Position is checked, all layers will be inverted.

Odd one out:

If one of Number of Not Inverted and Number of Inverted is 1 while the other is 0, and Invert X Position is checked, only one layer will be inverted or all layers but one will be inverted.

Rotate By:

Can change the rotation of layers by different amount each.

Rotate Every: on 0 or 1, every child is affected; on value higher every Xth child is affected

Falloff: Rotation is reduced by value in %

Change Phase: changes the index by value, does not affect Rotate Every

Rotation: Rotates every layer the set amount by (masterIndex - index).

Note: Master Layer needs to be on the below all the children because of layer index.

<aside> 🗒️ o p a c i t y


Due to the nature of opacity, this does not have additional options.


<aside> 🗒️ c h i l d r e n


Typo Control allows for children to be keyframed and position as per usual without affecting the master motion.

Similarly the master does not change the children's keyframes or values except for adding the set values in the master.

This works by adding expressions to the transform values of the children. They will now appear red but other than that does not change anything else. If you wish to add additional expressions such as wiggle(), I suggest linking the children to a parent with the respective expression.

<aside> 🗒️ h o w t o u s e



Adding the presets to your project:


  1. Please add a layer that will be used as a master layer, such as an Adjustment Layer.
  2. Name it TC. Very important!
  3. Next, add TypoControl_Master to the layer. The master is now set.

Note that the effect must be called Typo Control.

2D child layers:

Please use TypoControl_2DChild on 2D layers. For faster application you may add the preset on one layer, then open the transform options or double tap E, select all the values, right click and select copy expression only. Now you can paste the expressions to all the other children.

3D child layers:

Please use TypoControl_3DChild on 3D layers. For faster application you may add the preset on one layer, then open the transform options, select all the values, right click and select copy expression only. Now you can paste the expressions to all the other children.

You can now simply apply your motion to the master effect. Make sure you apply it to the effect and not on the master's actual transform values.